Larry Roe for Vancouver Public Schools

About me


I am the grandson of a school superintendent and public-school teacher, the son of two public-school educators, a longtime participant in public and private education, the parent of three adults with diverse educations and the grandparent of two preschoolers. I understand the importance of education and admire those who devote themselves to it as a career and as students. My scientific education has given me an understanding of the physical world that we all share and the importance of measurement in refining that understanding. My experiences in research, development, and manufacturing have given me an appreciation of the importance of innovation, goal-setting, skill, persistence, and resiliency.


Why I'm a Candidate

To serve our community in the oversight of the Vancouver Public Schools (VPS) District Administration in their goal-setting, management and spending.

To serve parents by being available to learn their hopes, plans, and concerns and integrate them into VPS Board actions.

To serve our students in their goals to develop competence, responsibility and compassion to become better members of our community.

To serve the VPS teachers and staff in their goals to develop skills and knowledge in our students.

To serve the VPS Board of Directors in considering pertinent questions about measurable goals that help us achieve our potential.

Strengths of the Current Board

The Board meetings provide a forum to showcase the significant accomplishments of School District students and employees. Sincere and timely recognition is a good start for each meeting.

Preparation for Board meetings is done well with detailed presentations from the District Leadership Team at “committee of the whole” meetings. All Board members have shown engagement and dedication to this process.

The Board reviews and approves the contracts and expenditures of the District in a timely manner.

Questions for the Board

During my past employment, one of my co-workers explained that he wanted me on his staff because I asked good questions. This is a skill that I offer to our Board and our voters. When you consider these questions, please keep our VPS Mission in mind; they are meant to probe how well we are performing our Mission.

  • How can we support students and teachers to increase the percentage of students who meet grade level standards as they advance through the K-12 grades?    More context
  • What short-term programs would enable us help our students return to their pre-pandemic performance relative to grade level standards?    More context
  • How do we measure our students progress towards being responsible citizens? What should our goals be for this metric?    More context
  • Our State Report Card appears to assess student competence in great detail with a significant percentage of our annual instructional time. Is this the best method to develop student skills?    More context
  • Assuming that resiliency is a skill, how do we measure and improve our students acquisition of it?    More context
  • How do we enable each student to achieve their potential as rapidly as possible?
  • Do we prioritize students achieving excellent skills in addition to the basic education that the State supports?
  • How frequently should the Board review policies?
  • Given that the public comments at Board meetings are often petitions for actions that are not on our standard agenda how should elected School Board Directors respond to citizen concerns?    More context

Contact Me

You can reach me at or 360-952-1317 with comments, suggestions or requests.